Things to do after installing Raspberry Pi OS

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Raspberry Pi OS

Raspberry Pi OS

Things to do

1 - Change Screen Resolution

As per your Monitor size, Change the screen resolution. Make sure to keep it visible to your eyes. For best visibility choose 1280x720 and for HD with small icons and text use 1920x1080. You can also use your preferable Screen sizes.

2 - Change Host Name

Goto preference » Raspberry Configuration » Change Hostname » Change from raspberrypi to pi (it will be more convenient and also optional)

3 - Color Theme and Size

You can change Desktop color theme, Tool bar color theme and Terminal color theme include size and other minor modifications.

4 - Enable Root user

By default root user disabled. To enable it simply set password for root user and enable it. To set password for root user type following command in terminal

sudo passwd root

- press enter
- type password twice
- all done now su command will work

5 - Update and Upgrade

As OS and its files are released earlier it may be outdated. Using following command we can simply update and upgrade

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

6 - Set alias

Some of the linux commands are handy at the same time some are huge and some are hard to remember. In that case you can set smart little commands which easy for you using alias like following

This command clear screen by typing cls..

alias cls='clear'

This command show CPU temperature by typing temp..

alias temp='vcgencmd measure_temp'

This command open bashrc in nano editor to add these alias command by typing seta..

alias seta='nano ~/.bashrc'

Note : To make these alias works always permanently, add these alias line by line into bashrc file by typing nano ~/.bashrc at the bottom last lines..

7 - Install Software

Goto Preference » Add / Remove Software » Install any software you need. For example: Libre Office Package.

8 - Install Python

It already comes with pre-installed 3.9.2 python. Anyway at the time I am writing this article, Latest version of Python is 3.11.4 Simply we can download from python official website ( After download it will be tar.xz file.

- Extract it using tar command
- tar -xf {file name here}
- Then cd {extracted folder name}
- Then type the following one by one,
- ./configure
- make
- sudo make install
- All done python latest version installed.

You can confirm it by typing,

python3.11 -V

If you like to use more convenient then use alias which we seen in previous step, instead python3.11 we can use simply py.

alias py=python3.11

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